
Journals of Ayn Rand

Edited by David Harriman, Foreword by Leonard Peikoff

Ayn Rand was an endless fount of brilliantly original ideas. This book is an extensive collection of her exploratory (and occasionally final) thoughts, from 1927 through the 1960s, on a variety of subjects. Journals includes her work on a movie she planned to write about the atomic bomb project, on The Moral Basis of lndividualism, her first attempt at a systematic, non-fiction presenta- tion of her ethics, on her notes for a post-Atlas novel titled To Loren Dieterling. Leonard Peikoffwrites in the Foreword: "One great pleasure in reading the book is to see hints of later discoveries mentioned at first casually, even parenthetically. For instance, if you read AR' s first philosophic musings with an eye to Atlas Shrugged, you will observe how much more you can see in her words now, thanks to her, than she herself could see at the time. ... In terms of cognitive value to the reader, the new material alone in this volume warrants the price. It is new to me also. No matter how clear Objectivism is in my mind, every time I read another Ayn Rand book, it becomes clearer. This book is no exception."

(730 pages)

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  • Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. A mystery novel, pitting two views of man's mind and two moral codes against each other: rationality and selfishness versus mysticism and sacrifice.